And for the past year or so, my style has leaned a little more toward the latter.
With gusto I have been reaching for whatever is comfortable, making way for the cotton top, the almighty denim jean. I justify these decisions by telling myself I am a college senior, I am in my mid-twenties, and most importantly -- I can do whatever I want, nah nah nah nah boo boo.
Gone are the days I spent hours online (window) shopping, curating epic wish lists of never-to-be-purchased items that would go so wonderfully with a black bowler hat, a pink lip and a fuck you attitude (wait, wait, the attitude is here to stay, I kid you not).
And that was fuuuuun! Hella fun. I sort of miss it. I was reminded of those times as I opened a tab to one of my favorite stores to purchase a pair of lace-up boots, only to realize that WAIT! I should totally look for a winter coat while I'm at it...maybe a pair of socks to go with the boots...a shirt for work...and HEY KHAKIS ARE ON SALE
Haha. Yes, I said khakis. But more importantly, a coat!
A couple years back and only a few clicks away I posted a photo of my new at the time (but still fresh as hell) winter coat. It is still totally kickass, but completely IMPRACTICAL for Atlanta weather. Seriously that ish is like an oven on mah skin.
And negating last February's snowpocalypse, there is absolutely no reason to own a coat that large and warm in the South. Please, ibegofyou take it off my hands! Maybe we can swap meet or something.
I'm looking for something lightweight, for cold that rarely drops below 30 degrees in the daytime. Plus I like to layer. A lightweight duster, cocoon coat or trench would all be acceptable.
If you know of anything matching the description, please point me hither and yon!
If you are feeling basic as hell, let's swap ideas for shaking up our wardrobes or something! I think I'm in the market for a new look but not really sure where to begin.
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